- 名称:Bullet全自动核酸提取和移液工作站
- 型号:Bullet
- 品牌:NorDiag
- 类别:核酸提取仪
- 公开报价:请电话咨询
- 销售咨询:010-63836252
Bullet 全自动核酸提取和移液工作站
Nordiag Bullet全自动核酸工作站,源自北欧创新技术,基于简洁、实用、高效、低成本运行的专业设计理念,为有高通量核酸样本处理需求的客户而设计,年处理样本能力约60,000个。Nordiag Bullet采用磁珠法提纯核酸,并研发出专利的BUGS’n BEADS™磁珠分离技术,使用户不仅可利用如全血、细胞、组织的常规样本,还可以从尿液、痰液、拭子、粪便等困难样本中提取核酸。
BUGS’n BEADS™磁珠分离技术
各种类型的样品 Bullet 试剂盒
拭子 粪便 BUGS'n BEADS STI (性病相关微生物核酸抽提试剂盒)
血清 血液 BUGS'n BEADS STI -fast (性病相关微生物核酸抽提试剂盒)
血浆 组织 Bullet Viral NA (病毒核酸抽提试剂盒)
细胞 痰液 Bullet Blood DNA 50 (全血基因组抽提试剂盒)
培养样品 尿液 Bullet Stool (粪便核酸抽提试剂盒)
灵活 •可使用一系列不同的原始样品管
•可建立不同的下游应用,如PCR、荧光定量PCR、BD ProbeTec™ ET 和NASBA®等
省时 •条码阅读器扫描96个样本只需1分钟
可靠 •欧盟体外诊断认证(CE IVD)
其它优势 •内置电脑
• 8通道移液加样针独立控制
> AN-01.03
An automated sample preparation system for the isolation of Chlamydia trachomatis from urine samples adapted to two different detection systems
> AN-02.03
An automated sample preparation system for the simultaneous isolation of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoea from urine samples
> AN-09-09.02
Chlamydia trachomatis, automated DNA extraction with BUGS’n BEADS™ STI -fast for Roche COBAS® TaqMan® 48
> AN-10-09.02
Chlamydia trachomatis, automated DNA extraction with BUGS’n BEADS™ STI -fast for BD ProbeTec™ ET
> AN-15-10
automated DNA extraction with Bullet BUGS’n BEADS™ for Roche COBAS® TaqMan® 48 and BD ProbeTec™ ET
> AN-16-10
Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE), automated DNA extraction with Bullet BUGS’n BEADS™ from NorDiag
> AN-20-10
Comparison of the NorDiag Bullet Viral NA extraction method with the Roche MagNA Pure Compact nucleic acid isolation kit. Extraction of Varicella Zoster and Herpes 1 and 2.
> AN-01.03
An automated sample preparation system for the isolation of Chlamydia trachomatis from urine samples adapted to two different detection systems
> AN-02.03
An automated sample preparation system for the simultaneous isolation of Chlamydia trachomatis and Neisseria gonorrhoea from urine samples
> AN-09-09.02
Chlamydia trachomatis, automated DNA extraction with BUGS’n BEADS™ STI -fast for Roche COBAS® TaqMan® 48
> AN-10-09.02
Chlamydia trachomatis, automated DNA extraction with BUGS’n BEADS™ STI -fast for BD ProbeTec™ ET
> AN-15-10
automated DNA extraction with Bullet BUGS’n BEADS™ for Roche COBAS® TaqMan® 48 and BD ProbeTec™ ET
> AN-16-10
Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci (VRE), automated DNA extraction with Bullet BUGS’n BEADS™ from NorDiag
> AN-20-10
Comparison of the NorDiag Bullet Viral NA extraction method with the Roche MagNA Pure Compact nucleic acid isolation kit. Extraction of Varicella Zoster and Herpes 1 and 2.